It’s important that we recognize the power and promise in our girls as they begin to discover their inner flame.

Moxie Cats

The purpose of Moxie Cats is to create the conditions for girls to explore their imaginations and execute on their dreams. Our intentional practices, in a joyful learning environment, invite playful exploration that cultivates connection while harnessing a girl’s power and desire for independence.

We know that girls find their voices through curiosity and creativity. And they learn to express compassion for others as they find it for themselves — when they are supported in a safe space to be vulnerable and brave.

Discovering what they love through sensory experiences in the kitchen, garden, stable, and nature expands their hearts. And the practice of challenging the inner critic, by engaging in community projects and giving freely, lightens the burdens of the mind.

Girls receive a healthy balance of group and individual time. Because curling up with a journal, listening to stories, music, or poetry develops a practice of mindful rest and reflection. Opening the window to their inner world helps them develop skillful attention, which supports growth in confidence, sister-ship and leadership. These are the essentials for building a solid foundation for interpersonal relationships and one’s own sense of strength and personal agency.

Moxie Cats’ practices are simple — yet purposeful — by design. Take baking for instance. Simple, yes. But we see this as an opportunity to explore what we’re putting into the pie of life. What are our ingredients? Do we make time for the important process? Do we consider others when creating the recipe and sharing the fruits of our labor? These simple experiences mine meaningful treasures.

Moxie Cats nurtures both collaboration and independence by providing the fundamental building blocks of connection — to oneself and to others. Our groups appeal to a girl’s desire to create the world she wants to inhabit and instill a sense of belonging that encourages her aspirations.

We welcome neurodivergent students when it is the right fit for everyone!  

As a small, new program, we do not have any extra services or specific specially trained teachers, etc. We are not able to provide one-on-one aides, but we are willing to have one!  That would mean the family would pay/find the funding for that, we unfortunately would not be able to.

We are a modest program with daily service-oriented outings, crafting, some cooking, and gardening. We are flexible in our day-to-day activities with an age-appropriate amount of responsibility on the girls for self-direction, self-motivation, and self-discipline in After school and in Summer camp sessions. 

Girls are expected to be able to function with the group. We recognize that some girls will do better with more explicit direction, or need to be guided by firm rules and limits. This is an individual preference and we do our best to help girls thrive. If your daughter needs regular, repetitive reminders about expectations or generally doesn’t do well with direct instruction, this may not be a good fit. In that case, a one-on-one aide arrangement may help. Let’s talk if this sounds like it applies to your daughter.

Our Founder

The Moxie Cat Program is the creation of Ms. Denise Williges. You can learn more about Denise, her experience, education and credentials by visiting her bio page.

Who is Ms Denise?

Last image shot at Aro Ha